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Houses, stores, hospitals, schools, nurseries

What if you could live in peace of mind with safe antibacterial construction that can adapt to any environment?

Nano Barrier Co., Ltd. proposes antibacterial and antiviral using silica nanotechnology.

Safe antimicrobial technology to protect the future

2000菌以上の抗菌スペクトル!Si 抗菌シリカ水
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Keep safe from virus infection risks with the technology
of destroying cell walls and keeping similar viruses away.


Highly effective to daily cleaning, even to the spots out of reach away.

Hospital and public facilities where entrance/ exits exist muturaly could cause the risk of the infection especially doorknob, switch, button, desk, handrails. Daily prevention is hard to be enough, spots could be left no matter how However by spraying Si Shield in advance, which contains  antibacterial , antiviral and deodorizing action could be effective to any 
corners where human hands could not reach. This operation minimizes  contagion risks and maximize the virus control. 

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Applicated surface with our product is certified by the strictest antibacterial standard SIAA in Japan.

SIAA trademark is displayed on the products conducted these product management an

 information disclosure under the guideline of The Society of International sustaining growth for Antimicrobial Articles (SIAA) based on the evaluation of ISO 22196.

About safety

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Results of high level Safety

Testing organization: Japan Food Research Laboratories SafePharm Laboratories (UK) * GLP compliant OECD 404/406/471/405 compliant

Proof of effectiveness and safety through viral testing


Testing organization: Japan Food Research Laboratories * Detection limit: 1.3 × 10 × 10 TCD50 / MI * Infection value reduction value: log10 (0 minute infection value ÷ 1 minute action time infection value)

In the condition of applying Si Shield liquid into virus of initial infectivity titer 1.1 × 10⁵ TCID 50/mL, experimental result concluded that infectivity titer is reduced by over 2.9log₁₀(below infectivity titer 1.3 × 10² TCID50/mL)

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Thin film adhesion effect

Silica nanocolloid technology is realized!

Thin film adhesion effect

The surface of familiar materials has very fine irregularities, and microorganisms and dirt are attached to them.

1 Wrap the organic conjugate

2 Antiviral function

3 layers and effect


Envelops organic bonds with the binding force of silica nanocolloids and coats nano-level irregularities.


Antibacterial and antiviral performance is imparted by silica coating fine irregularities.


Silica that has penetrated to nano-level unevenness increases the number of layers as the construction is repeated, and the effect lasts longer.

Repellent effect

Since it keeps bacteria away, it is difficult for resistant bacteria to form!

Asphyxial bacteria transmit repellent signals and keep the same species away. Since it is difficult to develop resistant bacteria, the bacteria will eventually die.

1 Destroy the cell wall of the bacterial nucleus

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Bacterial nucleus


2 Bacterial nuclei in asphyxia

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Bacterial nucleus



Contents flow out

3 Repellent signal transduction


Homogeneous fungus

Homogeneous fungus

Homogeneous fungus

Homogeneous fungus

Asphyxial fungus nucleus

Repellent message

Si-Shield, a silica nanocolloid, destroys the cell wall (cloak) of the fungus nucleus.

The nucleus of the fungus whose mantle has been destroyed becomes asphyxial.

The nucleus of the asphyxial fungus gives a danger signal to the same kind of fungus and keeps it away.

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Contact Us



  • Calculated based on the floor area.

  • Please contact us if you need a field survey in advance .


Customer preparation

  • Please clean up and clean the construction site by the construction date.

  • Available early in the morning, late at night, and on weekends and holidays.



  • Confirmation of residual bacteria with a Lumitester.

  • Constructed by a technician with a dry mist spray gun.


final check

  • Confirmation of residual bacteria with a Lumitester.


Construction completed certificate

  • After Si-Shield antibacterial, "Certificate of construction" and "Sticker of construction" will be issued upon request.



  • Sold on request, such as signboards and posters.

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About charges

会 名

住 所

T E L  

F A X  


U R L  代 表


設   立

All prices are comic. A wide range of construction will be quoted separately.

It can also be installed in commercial facilities, companies, vehicles, etc.

Please feel free to contact us.

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Contact us

We will get back to you shortly.

Traffic access

Nano Barrier Co., Ltd.

1-3-27 Minamisenba, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081 NIL Minamisenba 4B

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Nano barrier Co., Ltd.

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